
Det første er en heftig første setning i en tykk roman:
Love is not the greatest glue between two people. Sex is.Dette følges så opp med følgende kraftsalve
And I did what I did [leave her] because by then my body had turned against hers; and anyone who has streached and plumbed both mind and body will tell you that the body, with its many nagging needs, is the true engine of life. The mind merely steers a path for it, or consoles it with high-sounding homilies when there is no path to be found.Den godeste Tarun J. Tejpal gir seg ikke, og første avsnitt slutter slik:
When I see clergy---Hindu, Musli, Christian---rail against the instincts of the body, I see men who are lost and angry and frustrated. Unable to locate the glories of the body, unable to locate the path to surpassing joy, they are resolved to confuse all other journeymen. Those who fail to find their sexual synapse set our mind and body at war against each other. I agree there are truly spiritual, just as there is the one-horned rihno, but they are few and far beween and easily identifiable. For the rest of us, the body is the temple. The truth is godhead is tangible. Smellable. Tasteable. Penetrable. The morning I woke up and felt no urge to slide down her body and inhale her musk I knew I wasw in touble.Slik, og ikke mindre, begynner boken The Alchemy of Desire. Hva annet kan man gjøre, da, enn å spørre seg selv: Dersom, hun ikke lenger ville ha sex med meg, hvor lenge ville jeg fortsette å elske henne? For ordens skyld må jeg få bemerke at problemstillingen ikke er relevant. Men, uansett, en bok som starter såpass heftig har et potensiale for spennende opplevelser og kraftfulle refleksjoner. Jeg har lest tyve sider, og allerede begynt å reflektere over livets mysterier; ikke dårlig for en bok fra en annen kulturkrets. Bildet er forresten tatt under dagens middag; les videre og lær mer.
En annen måte å tilfredstille kroppens nagging needs er naturligvis å invitere ti damer fra Hvaler (det er i Norge) på Fiorentina.

Not too bad.
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