Friday, September 16, 2005

Alt vel?

Har vi det bra i Norge?
The first sign all is not well in the state of Norway comes at the elegantly-designed airport in Oslo, when all the tall, tanned, and apparently placid Norwegians on your flight from London descend on duty free like starving wolves.
Artikkelen slutter slik:
Norway has much going for it and the Norwegians are, on the whole, beautiful, prosperous and healthy. Millions of people would love to have what they have.

But I've seen more joy and laughter in desperately impoverished villages in Africa than I did in Oslo. And I found myself missing the chaos, bustle and even the scruffiness of Britain. Troubled we may be in many ways - but Bland Britannia we ain't.
Det er ved å se med andres øyne at man lærer ting om seg selv.
