
Lyser gjør også en 1999 Castellaccio fra Fattori Uccelliera; dersom du noen gang er i nærheten (av der jeg bor), sving innom og bruk 18 euro på en flaske. Det vil du ikke angre på.
Det er en gråsonen mellom det hovedsakelig engelskspråklige Internett, og mine to liv (ett norsk og ett italiensk). Denne BLOGen et forsøk på å illustrere og dokumentere kreftene som virker på en som forsøker å leve to liv i parallell. Det ene av ønske, det andre av nødvendighet.
Alone, perhaps, they each could have explored the city with pleasure, followed whims, dispensed with destinations and so enjoyed or ignored being lost. There was much to wonder at here, one needed only be alert and attend. But they knew each other much as they knew themselves, and their intimacy, rather like too many suitcases, was a matter of perpetual concern; together they moved slowly, clumsily, effecting lugubrious compromises, attending to delicate shifts of mood, repairing breaches. As individuals they did not easily take offense; but together they managed to offend each other in surprising, unexpected ways; then the offender---it had happened twice since their arrival---became irritated by the cloying susceptibilities of the other, and they would continue to explore the twisting alleyways and sudden squares in silence, and with eachstep the city would recede as they looked tighter into each other's presence.Jeg som hater å ha koffert(er) synes bildet som manes frem passer perfekt til den velkjente følelsen! Legg også merke til at det såpass tidlig i historien ikke er klart hvem som irriterer hvem.
Security engineers have been falling into a similar trap. For years, we thought that the problem of authentication began and ended with trustworthy boot-strapping. Once Alice and Bob shared that elusive session key---and could prove mathematically that no-one else did---we could type up the research paper and head for the pub. Again, the real world has changed. Security maintainability is the elephant in the living room; people know there's an awful problem but are generally too polite to mention it (especially as we don't really know what to do with the beast). Vendors used to not care very much; after all, people replace their mobile phones every year, and their PCs every three to five years, so why not just wait for the vulnerable equipment to be thrown on the skip? With luck, vulnerability scares might even help stoke the upgrade cycle.Dette er spørsmålet Obol er svaret på.
Finally, I should mention some informal reasons for visiting: talking about PENNE, sightseeing the only European city with a proper skyline, nice Italian restaurants, nice students, contacts to university staff, contacts to IT-staff of a local telco for presenting PENNE (if you want to and I manage to get them), affordable alcohol ;-) and much more!Spørsmålet er først og fremst: Hvorfor er jeg så uopplyst at jeg umiddelbart tror at stedet må være London; eksisterer det i det hele tatt steder verdt å besøke utenfor den engelskspråkelige sfære? "Klart nei", sier vår åpenbart kunnskapsløse Kunnskapsminister. Uansett er det fristende med et besøk.